About Us
“A Library is not a Luxury but one of the Necessities of Life”
Henry Ward Beecher
Library Holidays
Sedan Public Library closes for these holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In addition, the library will close at 4 p.m. on Thanksgiving eve and New Year’s eve. In case of icy roads or deep snow please call ahead or check our Facebook page to ensure the library is open. Be sure to Like us on Facebook!
Friends of the Library
Sedan Library is looking for volunteers to start the “Friends of the Library” group. Please contact the library at the phone number or email address listed at the top of the page for more information.
Board of Directors
If you wish to attend the Library’s monthly board meetings, they are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm at the Sedan Public Library.

Sharon Clark

Sharla Jeffery
Vice President

Diana Clanton

Barbara Gould

Teresa Thompson

Kaye LeBlanc

Jack Warren
Sedan City Mayor

Kayla Ford
Library Director

Audra Gooden
Library Staff

DaryleAnne Stettler
Library Staff

Rebecca Holland
Sedan Public Library
115 N Chautauqua
Sedan KS 67361
► Library Hours
Mon, Tue: 12:30p - 6:00p
Wed: 12:30p - 5:30p
Thu: 2:30p - 7:30p
Fri: 9:00a - 5:30p
Sat: 9:00a - 2:30p